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Harlan Coben has moved on and so have I. This will probably be the last Bolitar novel and I am ok with that. Coben creates a great storyline and once again has me reading till three in the morning. Like Myron, Coben is starting to show his age. Myron was different in this book but I found it to be in a good way. When dealing with family and mistakes things are not going to be black and white instead they are gray. Myron walks a gray line throughout the book. This to me makes him a more endearing character. Reading the last few pages I felt that Coben and Myron just ran out of gas. It was disappointing to think this could be the end but on the other hand maybe it should be. A few minor things that bothered me were that Terese wasn't really involved, the whole Myron's son thing is not even alluded to and Coben seems to be passing the torch to Myron's long lost nephew Mickey. Maybe a new character will reinvigorate Coben. If you are a fan of the series you have to read this. Otherwise read one of Coben's standalones.

Benjamin Weaver is a retired pugilist, part time private investigator and always in trouble. With this installment the author David Liss is laying the down the foundation for a wonderful series. If you read the first Weaver novel "A Conspiracy of Paper" then some of your favorite characters are back the always reliable but over indulgent Elias and the lovely Miriam.

Liss focuses this novel on politics of 18th century London. Many comment on how the narrative gets bogged down due to the author explaining the differences between Whigs and Tories but I did not find it to be the case. Explanations are not overly intricate and keep the story going. The mystery is fun and intriguing.

Weaver is one of my favorite literary characters. He is a self aware man and knows that he has shortcomings. Sometimes he can not think his way out of something and brute force is needed. Overall, Liss gives the reader a great knowledgeable ride.

I have been away for far too long. Life has been hectic in the best possible way. As I am getting back on track I am looking forward to reviewing books again for Book Sneeze and my own personal reading list. One of my next reviews will be of Mas Lucado's "Fearless". I have never read anything by Mr. Lucado but he seems to have a passionate following. Thanks for reading

I am so excited to start working on this blog again. Life has been hectic but I am looking to start writing on here on a regular basis.

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