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It seems that you either love or hate this book.Personally, I enjoyed it.The story was pretty well paced not perfect but good.The minor characters are outstanding.The protagonist Ren is young orphan who has a fierce loyalty that is admirable.At one point I was wondering where the Author was taking us.However, I was not disappointed in the end.

This was my first foray into the Queen of Crime: Agatha Christie's extensive catalouge. The book is a little slow in the beginning to the point I almost put it down. Now that would have been a dreadful mistake because as soon as the cast of characters get on Indian Island I could not put the book down. Christie paints a vivid portrait that reveals how deadly secrets can be. Absolutely wonderful read and hope you pick it up and enjoy it as much as I did.

Follett is fantastic in A Dangerous Fortune. The author introduces us to a family business and a couple of corrupt characters. As the reader you not only get to see the inner workings of the Victorian era banking house known as Pilaster's but you also get to see the making of a man in Hugh Pilaster. The book is fun, fast paced and if your a Follett fan then you will like this one. If you have never read Follett before this is a good book to start with. Enjoy!

Lovers of music, art and books all have their favorite store. Growing up in Northeast Philadelphia my first passion was music. When I bought my first CD it was at the same store my father visited 30 years earlier when he completed the same rite of passage in purchasing his first 45. The store, Pat's Music still stands there today. Unfortunately, I have not had the same luck with book stores that I have had with music. That is until I moved to Levittown. My sacred book store does not serve Latte's or have the latest Barry Manilow CD on repeat. It is simple and inexpensive. Their is something to be said for a good used book store. 2nd Chance is the kind of place that you can feel at home.

Today seemed to be a good a day to beging a blog. It's Monday so I had that let's accomplish something attitude when I awoke this morning. After some lengthy deliberation I decided that my blog should be focused on Writing and Reading. Two of my favorite pastimes. In order to kill two birds with one stone I thought it would be a very good idea to write about what I am reading. Hence the Levittown Literary Society was born. Please pardon the appearance as I am still in the construction phase. However, do check back often as I hope to make updates frequently.

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