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Many people have had the euporhic experience of reading a book and knowing as soon as they have put it down that their life has been changed for the good. Never again will they see the world the same way. Hopefully, this is not a once in a lifetime experience. I have been blessed that this has happened to me multiple times throughout my life. The first time a book changed my life was when I was 4-5 years old. Sitting in my Aunt's den I sat with my cousins and listened while she read "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. The story was good but her love of the story was the most memorable part of that experience. Sometimes a book can launch a forgotten memory. While browsing the immense aisles at my local used bookstore I stumbled upon a beat up edition of David McKee's "Not Now Bernard". This is the quintessential classice for the toddler bunch. My Mom would read this to me often and I even smile now thinking about it. Growing up I had plenty of people who would read to me but Mom read Bernard the best. It is one of those books that a mother and son should share. As I went through school different family members introduced me to the books that help make them who they are today. My Grandmother felt that all little boys should read the "Hardy Boys" series and I did. However, it was not until 7th and 8th grade that my English teacher (same person) introduced me to the literary world as I now know it. The way he brought "To Kill a Mockingbird" alive still haunts me to this day. His love for that book was so amazing and intense that you could not wait to go home and pick it up. It has been fifteen years since I have sat in his classroom but the learning has never ended. My literary journey has gone on to include the works of the usual suspects but none will ever be cherished as much as Harper Lee's masterpiece. Eventually, I went exploring on my own and found many different books that have helped shape me to what I am today. But those listed above built the foundation for me.

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    I always thought when I hear certain songs, they bring me back to specific memories in my life. I love the analogy of a book doing the same.

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